ICL Education Group has safeguards to protect International students’ welfare. We have policies and procedures for students at risk and with special needs. We work with external organizations and community networks;
- Lifeline Auckland (Suicide Prevention)
- Problem Gambling Foundation of NZ
- Mental Health Foundation NZ
- Epilepsy NZ
- ADHD Association Inc
- Raeburn House
- Asian Family Services
- Chinese Lifeline
- Latin American Association
- Comprehensive Care, promoting the "Quit Smoking Programme" founded by NZ
International Student Travel insurance is mandatory for all international students over the time they are studying with ICL. Under valid insurance, international learners can claim their money for their illness/sickness & accidents. Please contact ICL for recognised insurance providers.
For more information, please contact the Student Support Team at

Safety in Auckland
Safety in the city
New Zealand is a safe, friendly country. Most international students who come to Auckland do not experience any serious problems, but like any city, crime and incidents can occur. It is up to you to make sure that you look after yourself and use common sense. During your stay in Auckland, there are several support services available to assist you.
We want you to have a great experience while you are studying here. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited has created 10 videos covering different scenarios, and get tips and advice on staying safe while you are in Auckland, take a look here.

Safety in the City
Download the student handout
support services in auckland
Safety in New Zealand
being safe in New Zealand
While feeling safe is a luxury in many places, it’s one that New Zealanders are accustomed to. Crime rates are lower in New Zealand than in many other countries. Compared to many other parts of the world, New Zealand is largely free of personal violence and strife between communities.
We are rated in international surveys as one of the world’s most peaceful, least corrupt countries. The 2021 Global Peace Index, which compares 162 countries for the risk of personal violence, rates New Zealand as the world’s second safest country just after Iceland. Transparency International’s 2021 Corruption Perception Index ranks us as the least corrupt country in the world, equal with Denmark and Finland.
You can find more information about safety in New Zealand here.