ICL 研究生商学院

ICL Graduate Business School
  • 消息

ICL Graduate Business School Graduation Ceremony 2024


2024 ICL graduates proudly stand at the commencement of their graduation ceremony.

On the momentous date of Tuesday, 1st October 2024, ICL Graduate Business School commemorated the academic achievements of its students from a diverse array of programmes.

The ceremony celebrated the graduation of students who had successfully completed Undergraduate Diplomas, Graduate and Postgraduate Diplomas, as well as Master’s Degrees in the fields of Business, Business Informatics, and Early Childhood Education. It was a day filled with joy and pride as the graduates, representing various stages of their educational journey, came together to mark this significant milestone in their lives.

The Ceremony included graduates of the programmes of New Zealand Diploma in Business Level 6, Graduate Diploma in Teaching ECE Level 7, Graduate Diploma in International Business Innovation Level 7, Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Business Informatics Level 8 and Master of Business Informatics and Master Management Level 9.

Ewen Mackenzie-Bowie, Principal and Chairman of ICL Education Group during his opening speech.

At 1:30 PM, the graduation ceremony officially commenced with faculty members and the guest speaker walking up the stage. The Master of Ceremonies, Lecturer Bindu Bansal, approached the podium and shared some enriching and inspirational thoughts with the graduates and guests as she prepared them for the National Anthem.

The first speech was delivered by our Principal and Chairman, Ewen Mackenzie-Bowie, who congratulated the graduates on their achievements and offered sage advice for their future endeavours.

The second speech was delivered by our guest speaker, Ben Upton, Partner at Simpson Grierson. Our graduates had the opportunity to hear and learn from his international perspective and experience. He shared words of encouragement and advice on the ever-evolving markets and industries within New Zealand and abroad.

Guest speaker, Ben Upton, Partner at Simpson Grierson (one of New Zealand's leading law firm).

The next speaker at the ceremony was Dr Syed Jamali, ICL Postgraduate Programmes Manager and Senior Lecturer. In addition to congratulating the graduates on their achievements and expressing pride in being part of their journey, he emphasised the importance of continuous learning and urged the graduates to remain steadfast in their pursuit of knowledge and skills in preparation for the challenges that lie ahead. His words served as a reminder for the graduates to embrace the journey of expertise and mastery, instilling in them the confidence to tackle whatever opportunities may come their way.

Amongst the 81 graduands attending were valedictorian Sheila Marie Tugbo, who spoke on behalf of all students, and conveyed her deep appreciation to ICL Graduate Business School, the dedicated lecturers, supportive programme managers, and hardworking administrative staff for their unwavering assistance throughout the programme.

Dr Syed Jamali, ICL Postgraduate Programmes Manager during his moving speech.
Student representative Shiela Marie Tugbo's valedictory.

Following a series of emotional and motivational speeches, we were treated to a moving waiata performance by the talented students of the Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education. The anticipation in the room reached its peak as each student made their way to the stage to receive their well-deserved diploma for their hard work and dedication. The atmosphere was filled with thunderous applause and heartfelt recognition from their peers and loved ones, making it a truly unforgettable moment for everyone involved.

The day came to a close with a warm and intimate gathering. ICL graduates, along with their families and lecturers, gathered together to reflect on cherished memories, express their goodbyes, and share words of encouragement for a promising future ahead. Tables were adorned with an array of refreshments, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for everyone to come together and celebrate the culmination of their hard work and achievements.

We, the lecturers, programme coordinators, and staff members of ICL Education Group, would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our graduates for their unwavering support and trust in us. Your dedication and hard work have been an inspiration to all of us. As you embark on the next chapter of your lives, we extend our warmest wishes for success and fulfillment in all your future endeavors. We are immensely proud of your achievements and have no doubt that you will continue to excel in all your pursuits.
